Wavy Drifter


Running from December 2017 to February 2021, MELOA (Multi-purpose/Multi-sensor Extra Light Oceanography Apparatus) is a H2020 project that is developing an innovative family of products, WAVY drifter units, allowing for a low-cost, easily deployable, high versatility, and low maintenance system for in-situ measurements for marine environments.
Item: 1 of 4 MELAO Consortium
Item: 2 of 4 Wavy Test
Item: 3 of 4 Consortium Flyer
Item: 4 of 4 Wavy Drifter
MELAO Consortium
Wavy Test
Consortium Flyer
Wavy Drifter

Focused on covering marine observation gaps, the WAVYs will increase the availability of in-situ data for coastal and open ocean zones. The MELOA project is developing the first prototypes for the different WAVY units configurations, and engaging with the marine community to test them in different marine environments, collecting and making available the data from the test campaigns and building, on top of this data, the first products and services to showcase the usefulness of the WAVY data.

The MELOA Consortium is composed by EU partners working in close collaboration with the marine communities to develop solutions that will enable to tackle some societal challenges, namely those related in situ data collection for marine monitoring.

Further details can be found here.