SmartBay Observatory

SmartBay Observatory

A sub-sea cabled observatory is deployed at the site, and is powered by a hybrid optical/electrical cable. The observatory can provide power to, and receive data from, up to three Ocean Energy devices (1.2kW per device). Several optical and electrical connectivity options are available with a number of permanent sensors and a high definition camera installed for monitoring.
The sub-sea cabled observatory includes:
 A fibre optic data and 400v power cable
 High speed communications via 4 pairs of optical fibres
 A sub-sea cabled sensor platform which hosts a variety of sensors and equipment which can be tested and demonstrated in near real-time.




The cabled observatory hosts the following sensors on a permanent basis:
Conductivity, Temperature and Depth
Dissolved Oxygen
Combined Turbidity and Fluorescence sensor
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
High frequency hydrophone
Partial pressure of Carbon Dioxide (pCO2)

Marine Support

Marine and Data Support