OceanDEMO Interreg NWE Kick Off Meeting
The new Interreg NWE project OceanDEMO successfully kicked off the project in Dublin today, with all members in attendance. The new project, which is a follow on to the FORESEA project, targets multi-machine ocean energy demonstrations. OceanDEMO recognises that the transition from single machine to pilot farm scale is critical for the future of the ocean energy sector. The project aims to ease the transition towards pilot farms by providing free access to Europe’s network of open sea test centres: EMEC – European Marine Energy Centre, UK; DMEC– Dutch Marine Energy Centre, Netherlands; Centrale Nantes/SEM-REV – Site d’Expérimentation en Mer pour la Récupération de l’Énergie des Vagues, France; and SmartBay Ireland- SmartBay Marine and Renewable Energy Test Site, Ireland. The project will release a first call for applications later this year and devices will be installed from 2020 to 2022.
This project is funded by the Interreg North West Europe programme, part of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).