EMSO ERIC 1st call for physical access is now open!

EMSO ERIC 1st call

EMSO ERIC 1st call for physical access is now open!

The objective of this call is to offer physical access to EMSO Facilities where users’ devices can be installed, including sensors, instruments, systems, new technologies and where new procedures/experiments can be tested/taken place. The set of Regional Facilities offered for access provides the broadest scientific and technological capabilities to future users.

The SmartBay Observatory is part of Ireland’s national marine research facilities and is Ireland’s contribution to the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory research infrastructure (EMSO). Together, EMSO aims to share knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the critical role that the ocean plays in wider Earth systems.

SmartBay are delighted to support the four facilities available at present (OBSEA, Western Mediterranean Sea, South Adriatic Sea, Hellenic Arc). More facilities will be added as the physical access program grows within EMSO ERIC – so watch this space!

This is a unique opportunity for scientists and research engineers to avail of high-quality, interlinked instrumented platforms operating in open ocean for carrying out research and/or testing activities. Regional Facilities’ engineers and scientists can also provide training and co-development to users interested in learning specialised techniques/methodologies and developing new products, taking advantage of years of experience gathered in EMSO Facilities’ labs. Tailored data collection by the Facilities’ instruments is another service that may be provided.

The evaluation of project proposals will be performed every two months and the selected ones will be funded.

Funding consists of Facility Access Units (days of usage) and economic support for operations, travel, shipping and consumables. This economic support amounts to €45000 for all projects in 2022 and will be distributed evenly among the four cut-off dates.

This 2022 call is expected to fund a minimum of four projects.

The first deadline is April 30th2022 -Don’t miss this opportunity to having access to our world-class facilities!

To know more about the whole offer, the application procedures and deadlines, click here